Acupuncture and IMS (Intramuscular Stimulation) both involve needle techniques and fall under the broad category of dry needling, where no substances are injected. However, the techniques and purpose of each treatment vary.


Acupuncture involves the precise insertion of fine, pre-sterilized disposable needles at specific points identified based on an individual's health assessment. These points, linked to the body's channels or meridians, are targeted to adjust the flow of Qi (energy), believed to circulate throughout the body. By stimulating the right acupuncture points, the treatment aims to resolve stagnation, regulate energy levels, and restore homeostatic balance. 
Trigger point acupuncture and western acupuncture are two adaptations that cater to specific therapeutic needs. Trigger point acupuncture quickly relaxes muscles by inserting needles directly into tense muscles until they release, often requiring shorter treatment times than conventional methods. Western acupuncture, on the other hand, merges traditional techniques with modern scientific understanding of anatomy and neurophysiology, focusing on stimulating the nervous system to enhance healing. Typically, acupuncture is integrated with other physiotherapy treatments such as manual therapy and exercise programs to optimize recovery and health outcomes.

IMS (Intramuscular Stimulation)

IMS, also known as Functional Dry Needling (FDN) is an effective treatment technique that helps manage muscle pain and enhance range of motion. This treatment involves gently inserting very thin needles into tight or painful muscle areas, known as trigger points. One of the standout reactions during dry needling is the 'local twitch response', where the targeted muscle briefly contracts. This twitch helps reset the muscle fibers, reducing tension, and making the muscle more relaxed. IMS or FDN also helps increase blood flow to the muscles, bringing in more oxygen and improving overall muscle health. Additionally, it has positive effects on the nervous system, helping the body regain balance at the pain points and reducing overall sensitivity to pain. These combined effects can significantly enhance comfort and movement for those with muscle-related discomfort.