Our approach to postural rehabilitation begins with a detailed assessment to identify specific postural imbalances. From there, we develop a personalized treatment plan that includes a mix of strengthening and flexibility exercises, and manual therapy. We place a strong emphasis on education, teaching you how to maintain proper posture during daily activities and providing ergonomic advice for your workspace. Throughout the treatment process, we continuously adjust your plan based on your progress and offer preventive strategies to help sustain your improved posture and prevent future issues. This holistic method ensures that you not only achieve better posture but also understand how to maintain it long-term for ongoing health benefits.

Individualized Posture Program

Our approach to postural rehabilitation begins with a detailed assessment to identify specific postural imbalances. From there, we develop a personalized treatment plan that includes a mix of strengthening and flexibility exercises, and manual therapy. We place a strong emphasis on education, teaching you how to maintain proper posture during daily activities and providing ergonomic advice for your workspace. Throughout the treatment process, we continuously adjust your plan based on your progress and offer preventive strategies to help sustain your improved posture and prevent future issues. This holistic method ensures that you not only achieve better posture but also understand how to maintain it long-term for ongoing health benefits.